Any Nepalese here who can help me find information about Specified Skill Worker Visa? I want to get this visa. What is the process? Do I need help from a visa support company in Japan? Or can I get it issued here in Nepal also?
Any Nepalese here who can help me find information about Specified Skill Worker Visa? I want to get this visa. What is the process? Do I need help from a visa support company in Japan? Or can I get it issued here in Nepal also?
I am not Nepalese
but have little information about Specified Skill Worker Visa.
Are you in Nepal now? If so the best way is to contact Local Sending Organization which is a HR Agency who act as counter part fro Japan Side HR Agency dealing in this Specified Skill Worker Visa.
Normally they will guide you to test and Visa application and finding Employer.
Im not from Nepal, but Im sure that getting a Visa is a huge pain in the ass no matter how you look at it. It's about time people get more lenient with travel visa rules as this can negate a ton of opportunities for people who want to work abroad.